
By JanetMayes

Painting shoes

J and M have been painting shoes today - hand over hand, as always, to the design J devised with some inspiration from Pinterest, a bit of digital art on Krita, and a trial run on a piece of scrap fabric. It's acrylic paint mixed with a fabric painting medium; it won't cope with getting wet, as I can't fix the colours by ironing as I would on flat fabric or a garment, but it should be fine for the very gentle wear the pumps will receive in J's wheelchair. The white pumps were part of a two for one offer a few years ago, when she painted a Doctor Who inspired pair with her other PA. The second pair had been buried at the bottom of her wardrobe, and now that her feet once more fit in shoes (thanks to the wonders of her daily Motamed cycling), she was keen to make something new with them. She has loved doing this and is delighted with how they are turning out. They are not quite finished yet, but will be done when M returns on Tuesday. I wonder if we can find some pretty coloured laces for them online. 

Having voted by post last week, I feel strangely detached from the election. However, I doubt if I'll be able to resist staying up half the night, in anticipation of some of the delicious and dramatic declarations which have been forecast.

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