Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64


As usual, woke at 5.30am, think it must be the light; roll on Winter! Worked my way through a list of phone calls to cancel/arrange/rearrange plans, a result of yesterday. Started on the mountain of bloody (literal) washing, the aftermath of yesterday. Managed five mins sitting in the sun in the garden before the patient was brought home by hospital transport at 1pm (there’s a tale to tell there but I won’t). 

This afternoon the amazing N visited but as the patient slept the afternoon away she very kindly helped me with a host of chores in preparation for the weekend’s events. After only five hours sleep I needed someone with a functioning mind to help me get organised!

Update on yesterday’s day of bad news, in brief-ish!
- My second trip away to friends now in jeopardy as they’ve received some bad news
- Sparrowhawk ate baby Robin
- Was at docs being told my symptoms were all due to physical exhaustion when day care called to say Dad had had fall and had bad cut that needed dealing with, they were sending him home.
- Took District Nurse nearly three hours to arrive, during which time arm wouldn’t stop bleeding
- DN took one look and said call 999, couldn’t stop bleeding
- Ambulance arrived after two hours
- Taken to BRI in Bristol rather than Bath (so much easier to get to, and our regular hangout!), despite my protests
- Doc couldn’t stop bleeding so Dad kept in overnight.
- When you’re waiting for a taxi at midnight, Bristol A&E is a scary place to be, especially when there’s a poor seagull flapping around with a broken wing 
- Got fleeced by taxi driver
- Got to bed 1am

Thank you sooo much for all your recent kind words, stars and hearts. Had hoped to catch up with your journals this evening but I need to go to bed, sorry.

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