
By AnneILM60

Oyster Catcher

Lisa, Birgit & I spent the day on the mainland today.

We got the morning ferry into Kirkwall where a fella from Stenness, that Birgit had hired to be our driver & guide for the day, picked us up.

We headed over to the Churchill Barriers and the Italian Chapel before heading to Stenness.

We went to the Standing Stones of Stenness, the Ness of Brodgar dig and the Ring of Brodgar.

We were also going to go to Scara Brae but it was packed so given a pass and we head back to Kirkwall stopping to see John Hamilton’s stonework on the way.

Once in Kirkwall, we walked up to the St Magnus Cafe to get a late lunch before we had to head to the harbour and get the ferry.

We said goodbye to Birgit who is staying the night in Kirkwall before heading off on her adventures with family and Lisa and I are back in Westray at Mum & Dad’s.

I’ve gotten today’s photos downloaded and sent to friends and family and been feed a good dinner by Mum.

We’re all ready for bed now!

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