
By spannarama


Mixed weather day.  We woke up to sunshine, then by the time Tim stepped out of the door for his morning walk, it had started raining - though not for long, thankfully.  By late morning, when he was out (doing an incredibly good job of) trimming the front hedge, it looked like this.  Lovely :)  It stayed pretty nice for me to strim the grass in the back garden at lunchtime, too.  I I did it in record time - speed strimming, I'm calling it - and was all done within half an hour.

By the time I went out to vote after dinner, it was rather grey and drizzly, but I was happy to be exercising my democratic right to boot out the Tories.  Everything crossed for a good outcome. 

Another very busy work day in between all that - but ticked yet more things off my to-do list.

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