Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Taken at 7:30 this morning on my way from the polling station.
My polling card has my name, my address and a unique number on it.
At the polling station they check your name, address and unique number against their list of people entitled to vote and put a line through their list to indicated that you have arrived to vote and will be refused entry if you try to do the same again later.
They have a pack of printed voting papers each of which has its own unique number and a sheet with all those numbers listed on it.
When they hand you a voting slip they write your personal unique number next to your voting slip's unique number.
It enables them to record who voted which way.
Is there a record kept of which way everyone voted in every election?
If not, why not?
When will it begin?
I trust the political machine less far than I can throw a milkshake.

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