It's good to be wise when you're young
Well that was depressing
A life long Tory I stood and looked at my ballot paper tonight knowing I could not put a mark against those lying half wits.
What a mess they have made over the last 14 years.
The lies. Party gate. Dominic Cummings - unelected fascist running the government on behalf of an entitled buffoon who spent COVID partying while the rest of us separated and suffered. Liz Truss - half wit deluded enough to think she could shock the economy into success.
And then there's labour. Who are going to open the doors to everyone. Grant every one who is illegal - UK citizenship: run the NHS and Social services to the ground and tax the shit out of those of us who pay our taxes
I don't want a separated United Kingdom. And the SNP if they aren't fighting racial accusations or criminal prosecution don't give a crap about the folk who actually live here
I wish there had been a monster raving looney.
I'm going to sign Si up next time round.
That should.make things easier
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