
By Teasel

Evening Sky

It’s been another chillyday, both in and out of the office, but particularly chilly in the office.  As if the cold wasn’t bad enough, it was very noisy with drilling.  They are working on the building, and have been for months, if not years.  They are currently working on the area near where we all sit.  The noise was pretty awful for quite a bit of the day, but they seem to finish early – thank goodness.
There were quite a few colleague in the office today, which was nice.  I seemed to have a day with lots of meetings – again – but I did manage a nice catch up with my former boss, who was just back from holiday.
This evening I went out for a wee walk – rather later than I should have gone out, and it was really windy.  On top of that, it rained, but was only a shower thankfully.  The light after the rain was all rather strange as the sun appeared very late in the day. 
This was the sky as I walked home.

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