
By Arachne

After Sunset

Last night was my last sleep in a bed for a week.

Over breakfast my host in Glastonbury town, Michelle, asked me whether I'd been taking a Moon Goddess card from the pack on the table each morning and I admitted I hadn't. But newly arrived Thelma is a much more satisfactory guest. She's a tarot-card reader and was very happy to take a Moon Goddess card from the pack for herself, and to interpret the one Michelle had picked. Thelma then got out her Irish goddess cards for Michelle to pick one and I observed the reading. Thelma told Michelle that the card meant she should believe in herself, follow her path, slow down, and cultivate her garden as it's the journey not the destination that's important.

I am a tourist here. I am interested in cultures not my own.

I've been thinking through the violin lessons I'll be teaching and realised I'd forgotten to bring paper, which I need for getting my thoughts organised. Having walked round town hoping in vain to find some scrap paper I went into the information centre which seemed a likely place to generate scrap.
'This is an unusual request,' I said.
'Oh come on, this is Glastonbury,' she replied.
I laughed. 'I need about 10 sheets of scrap paper.'
I emerged with about 25 brand new sheets of A4.

Tonight is my first night on site - everything is transformed when the sun sets.
A different version of the Pyramid Stage here.

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