
By davidc


Many thanks for everyone's good wishes for Grandson#1 yesterday. I'm delighted to report that other than being a bit more tired than usual (not surprising!) he seems back to normal now (the fact that his left trouser leg is half way up his calf is just that he's a normal toddler!). He had great fun splashing me in the hotel swimming pool this morning when I joined him & his Mum there (his Dad was at his conference), then we had a walk round Oxford in the afternoon after his late morning nap. He saw lots of things of interest including a "Hedwig" owl in a Harry Potter shop (owls are his favourite birds) and a stuffed fox and a bear in the University Museum. He really liked this ox ("cow" to him - moo!) in the University Parks, one of several in a summer "Oxtrail" to raise money for the local Sobell House Hospice.

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