A new dawn
I gave up at 12.40 since the result was clear but woke up, unprompted, at 5 in time to hear the new PM acknowledge his win. I then came too at 7 but didn't wake up fully till nearly 9. Elections do take it out of you. The best result, but not the same elation as last time, more a resigned weariness.
Spent morning listening to R4 with the TV on and sound off. Then I cut the grass before an Apex call and some work before returning to the garden, deadheading roses and cleaning the dust off the front. #2 had my tools in Niddrie so I couldn't do much more.
He came home in time to watch football. I watched rubbish TV. Felt like another wasted day. I did sit outside for about 10 minutes but it was so windy felt like I was being blown away. And I feel like I've lost my car.
And not dawn but post sunset.
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