Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Historic River Mill Again.

So today was operation day.

I was told to arrive at 10.30 a.m., but of course I was there far too early as there was no traffic.

I killed a bit of time looking in the gift shops, going to the loo etc.  Finally went up at 10.15.  I had to fill in a bit of paperwork, was weighed and measured.

I then changed into a gown and dressing gown and shown to a waiting room.

There are 18 operating theatres in this hospital, so you can imagine there were quite a few people waiting.

But there seem to have been some delays and we all seem to have been waiting a long time.  They came around and told us approximately how much longer we had to wait. Not that we could do anything about it.

I was finally collected at about 1.30 p.m. and walked down to the operating theatre.  The place is like a rabbit warren.

The surgical team were lovely, and really put me at my ease.

Before I knew it, I was in recovery, sore but relieved it's all over.

For something that was found by accident in a scan where they were looking for something else entirely, I am very lucky.

I won't know the final outcome for another 2 - 3 weeks, but the initial signs are good.

I'm extremely grateful to my GP, for at times being a bit pushy, when he thought the hospital weren't moving fast enough.

Now for recovery.

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