
By fennerpearson


Abi wanted to send her postal vote, today, which both she and Dan were confident would arrive in time to be counted, and I spent ten minutes this morning looking for a stamp for her, only to realise when I saw the actual envelope that one wasn't required. It turns out that Freepost is a novel concept to Dan and Abi's generation!

Today's Blip is my photographic evidence to Abi that I did get it posted in time!

In the evening, Hannah and I drove over to Manchester Airport to collect Izzy who is home for some R&R. Despite the twenty-five hour journey from Kyiv, she was in characteristically buoyant spirits and insisted that she was up for a beer or two.

So I dropped them at Hannah's, took the car home, and then walked down to meet them. We had a very enjoyable couple of hours in Porta, which was just lovely. 

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