horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


We thought we'd lost Dorian, and were blaming Freya for having chased him (which she's done once before, then come sauntering back down the track from wherever he'd hidden the previous day). A fair few hours spent searching in the long grass of the field and the adjoining land over 24 hours had garnered no sign, and a hunt of the barns likewise.

Then checking the security cameras again there was the merest glimpse of him going into one area of a barn with one of the girls and.... seemingly not coming out.

I don't know how he's managed it, but somehow he was wedged into a tiny little space, from which it appears there was no escape, until I fished him out. He stumbled about getting feeling back into his feet, and left wing (for a moment we thought he'd done some damage to that, but all seems well).

Carried him round to the girls, and he simply picked up where he'd left off, showing off to them about finding food (always hilarious with a bantam cockerel and normal sized hens).

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