
By fennerpearson


I could have enjoyed Rishi Sunak's words about being the first Asian prime minister in Britain and his praise for this being a country where that could be the case for someone who's family only came here two generations ago IF his hadn't led a government so determinedly and consistently vile towards immigrants. 

But enough politics. Apart from the ongoing pleasure of living under Labour government again, of course.

I drove down to Salford this morning for a meeting with a chap from the university about a project we'd like to do with them, and then I had a guitar lesson with Paolo, which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

After that, I picked up Hannah and we drove back to Kirkby Lonsdale, where my brother, Wol, was waiting along with Charlie, who'd driven them up from Manchester earlier, plus my folks and Abi.

One way or another, we all had work to do this afternoon, before I went to collect Milly from the station, and then we set about barbecuing, resulting in a pleasant al fresco meal on the deck.

Abi and I went to collect Dan from the station after we'd eaten, and then we settled in for an evening's enjoyable chat about the election results, my unfettered delight bumping up against the more leftwing of the kids :-)

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