
By Teasel

Pitcher Plants

I was pleased to wake up to the news this morning.  The exit polls were right.  I heard our new MP on the Today programme just after 7am, but I didn’t have time to listen to much more, as BB and I were off to Glasgow.
We caught the bus into Edinburgh, picked up something in lieu of breakfast, then caught the Citylink bus to Glasgow.  The reason for the bus is that it is free for him and he will be using this service when he heads off to University.  We then walked up to the University, along Sauchiehall Street, on to and then through Kelvingrove Park.  We wandered around the University and carried on our way to find his student accommodation – the reason for the visit.  Not that he could get in to see any of it, but he wanted to get his head around where it is in relation to the University.  He was happy enough, and we then re-traced our steps, taking a look around the glasshouses at the Botanic Garden and then going in search of some lunch.  We queued at a café on Great Western Road for a wee while, then gave up when they said it would probably be another twenty minutes.  We wandered along Byres Road and went in to one of the first places we came to and had really tasty pizzas (and chips to share) for lunch - a good find.
We then made our way back to the bus station and caught the bus back to Edinburgh.  I dozed on the way home.  All in all the Citylink coach was very comfortable.  I did laugh at the announcement to those getting off to remember to take their phones, bags, rubbish and children.  As BB said to me, do people really  leave their children on the bus?
Once in Edinburgh, BB wanted to do a quick but of shopping, which we did before catching the bus home.  We were both weary when we got home.  To be honest BB has been weary all day, and after two training sessions with the senor rugby team this week, his body aches.  However, being eighteen he was off out to an eighteenth in town.  He wasn’t keen, and he said he wasn’t going to drink, but we shall see.
TT came home looking for tea, which I hadn’t made, as I wasn’t hungry.  Instead I popped out to the supermarket and picked up some stuff and cobbled him a quick tea together.  While tea was cooking we raised a glass to the new PM.  Later we caught up with the happenings of the day.  TT had planned to watch the next James Bond movie, but that didn’t happen.
It was a nice day spent with the boy.  There is always much more chat when we are out and about.  We liked the pitcher plants in the Kibble Palace at the Botanics.

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