Marking Time

By Libra

The Italian Wedding

Well, we knew the Italian wedding would be different ........

It began at 11am and the wedding feast did not finish until 10pm when the dancing began.
Lets start at the beginning:
the wedding service was in Italian...
the small  mountain church could only seat about 80 people so we were told to get there early, the rest would have to stand...

the presence of lots of small children , many babes in arms, led to a very relaxed atmosphere...

One of the highlights of the ceremony was a young opera singer, personal  friend of the bride, Maddy, singing Amazing Grace from the gallery. She remained out of sight allowing us to concentrate totally on her voice. Suddenly all the very young children  stopped grizzling. They too were mesmerised by this extraordinary voice .

The Polish priest had a dry sense of humour and only later did we get friends to translate his jokes from Italian into English. The gist of one was, as he handed the the groom a book, " this is the Mary and Joseph bit, its up to you to do the rest and I am available for christenings from next April".

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