
By tridral


Safbwynt ~ Point of view

“When I speak of poetry I am not thinking of it as a genre. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality.”
― Andrei Tarkovski, (from “Sculpting in Time”)

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O'r safbwynt hwn dych chi'n bron yn gallu credu eich bod chi'n byw mewn pentref yng nghanol milltiroedd o gaeau, efallai yn y deunawfed ganrif. Dyma pan rydw i'n hoffi eglwysi gyda'u mynwentydd.

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From this point of view you can almost believe you are living in a village in the middle of miles of fields, perhaps in the eighteenth century. This is when I like churches with their cemeteries.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golygfa o eglwys y Santes Fair o'r fynwent
Description (English): A view of Saint Mary's church from the graveyard

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