
By Dakers

Preparing For The Bellrock Lecture

I have been invited to give another talk on the Bellrock Lighthouse to the Rotary Club of Edinburgh.  

I received an email request asking to move the agreed date forward by a week. After consulting my diary, I agreed to the date change.

The club meet in the Scotsman Hotel. After agreeing how my equipment can link to the Hotel equipment everything appears to be suitable. We will see. The name Zoom has been mentioned.

I have sent off my photo and my CV. Rotary talk slots are shorter than normal and I will have to spend some time preparing and editing the Keynote files.

We continue to watch Wimbledon although the BBC do like to move matches around the various slots of BBC iPlayer.

We have just received notification that Hill of Tarvit will not be open this weekend owing to unforeseen circumstances.

And the result of the General Election? Hopefully, the next five years repair much of the needless caused in the last fourteen years.

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