a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Feed Me!

The juvenile jackdaw (on the left) is probably pushing its luck a bit now, as it is clearly big enough to be able to forage for itself, yet despite that its parent is still hanging around and giving it occasional titbits.  The juvenile doesn't seem to be that confident about flying yet, and there is a fair bit of encouragement from the parent as it moves to a different roof and calls impatiently for the youngster to join it.  Sometimes it does, but often the parent ends up having to come back.  I sort of get the feeling that the young bird is quite happy not to display any great facility with flying just yet - life is good after all, when you are being looked after so well.

In a short while I expect we'll have the usual jackdaw ruckus as the parents kick the teenagers out of the home and encourage them to go elsewhere to look after themselves.

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