
By carliewired

100 F/ 38 C

A scorcher of a
day is coming up for us -
I'll stay well hidden!


It was a rather late launch for me this morning. I arrived at the grocer's just as the doors were opening at 7.  Then, I continued on to Tranquille.

I got a look at my hazy mountains looking across the Brocklehurst neighbourhood. I drove on to get views of the hayfields, the Cinnamon Ridge formation and the sagebrush hills. I stopped to have a look at the pasture lands and Tranquille Farm reflected in the wetlands pond. 

I did the turnaround at the farm to spend a few minutes watching the osprey's nest. Just one visible today. The morning glories were just opening up to the sun as I drove away. 

I'm in for a quiet day with my feet up. May the universe cooperate with my wish. 

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