Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Wild flowers in the dunes...

...at Caister...

A touroid day today, before we pick our boat up tomorrow for a week on The Broads!

A committal at Caister to start the morning - we arrived in the car park at the Lifeboat Station to find a ceremony being held for one of the crew, who had also been in the navy. His ashes were being scattered in the bay from one of the lifeboats, while the service was being relayed from the beach. It seemed a very positive occasion!

We had a walk along the dunes, and then a quick trip into Great Yarmouth before heading for a pootle at Potter Heigham. We managed to book a day boat here for Wednesday, as our big boat can't get under the bridge and up the river.

After that a spur of the moment drive to Cromer for crab sandwiches - and a walk down the pier in the rain ( see extra! )

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