
By esiuol

Cruise day 9 - Heimaey, Iceland

We arrived into the port on Heimaey Island this morning. Heimaey is the largest, and only inhabited island in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago, south of the Icelandic mainland with a population of 4,500. Heimaey has been changed over the years by eruptions from the Eldfell volcano with the last eruption being in January 1973, when all the residents had to be evacuated to the mainland. They could only go back in July of that year but a lot of houses were buried by the lava. 
We went on a boat trip around the island to see the many interesting rock formations, this one is called ‘Elephant Rock’ for obvious reasons. Great to see lots of puffins here in their nest sites along with guillemots and kittiwakes nesting on the rock faces.

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