
By NinjaShoe

Surprise shortbread

We're having a new kitchen after much procrastination, and the work starts tomorrow.  Which means I've been busy emptying cupboards over the last few days and marvelling about how much of it we never use.

Then all of a sudden I found this solitary shortbread given to us by my Mother in Law, Ray (Gran), I think, two years ago.  She gifted both her son's families homemade shortbread every Christmas carefully packaged in a labelled tin with the shortbread biscuits separated with greaseproof paper.  It was an integral part of our family Christmas in England, reminding us of Ray and Ian, in Scotland, even when they couldn't be with us.

But Ray (Gran) died quite suddenly in May this year.  

Seeing the shortbread biscuit gave me a pang of sorrow.  For me, it's unexpected events like this that are the most powerful in reminding me of the immense loss of loved ones.

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