
By hazelh

Fading garden bouquet

It's almost a week since I popped this wee bouquet of flowers from our back garden into Mummy hazelh's bathroom. Even though they are starting to fade now, I think that they have a certain beauty.

It's been another day of pottering chez hazelh. I tidied up the yarden, went for a run, planted some spent bulbs from the front in the back, dealt with some Mummy hazelh admin, audited my Le Creuset collection, washed the Le Creuset pan holder from Mummy hazelh's house with a view to selling it along with her white pans, wrote a blog post about Marina's graduation on Friday, cooked chowder for supper while listening into Mr hazelh's family FaceTime call, and kept an eye on the tennis. (It helps to start the day at 6:00am!) 

Exercise today: gardening; 7k run; walking (16,932 steps including run).

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