Foxy's Folio


Deluxe Velux

The velux window in our loft bedroom has refused to open for the last few years but with a bit of help from our friend Colin, who used to have a double glazing business, and a YouTube video, we managed to unjam it on Thursday so this morning’s excitement was to clean a few years of crud off it. 

It was looking sparkling by the time we finished and we rediscovered the view from it. The blip is a pano, from the Mendips in the distant left to the Tor, distant centre, to the rooftops of the High Street.

Earlier, we managed to avoid the showers on this morning’s Park Run. It felt far more comfortable than last week’s non- Park Run run - and far more comfortable than England’s win over Switzerland tonight. A slightly improved performance and a great set of penalties. Somehow we keep finding a way to win,; much better than the bad old days when we always managed to find a way to lose!

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