At home: poi boy x
Circus skills workshops are the way forward in PE lessons at school. Well at least I think so. My children did a similar workshop at Glastonbury. The amount of balance, core strength, concentration and co ordination that is required to keep 2 hoola hoops spinning, juggle balls, or swing poi is something else.
The Poi was used, many years ago, by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand to increase their flexibility and strength in their hands and arms as well as improving coordination. In Maori culture, poi performance is usually practiced by women. Some legends indicate that it was first used by men to develop wrist flexibility for the use of hand weapons.
Sam in particular being a perfectionist is fascinated with poi. He like to see it flow, each movement with the next. Beau is a speed demon and the faster the better, which as any poi expert will tell you us the wrong way of looking at this discipline. It usually lands like a thud on your back! Ells well, she's hoola hooping at the same time as trying to poi.....typical x
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