Capital adventures

By marchmont

Out and about

My first task this morning was to give #2 son and S a lift down to Marchmont for brunch.  Home it was my turn to host Coffee Club and we were able to sit outside.  It wasn't fantastic weather but was better than being inside.  

After Y had left, I decided to stay outside and started 'Sunset Song'.  I'd forgotten (it is 50+ years since I read it) how wonderful the language is.  But I didn't last long as I ended up having a very long snooze which was wonderful.

Luckily I was awake when J, #2 friend, arrived with golf clubs and we sat at the front for a bit while I gave him my wisdom on letting flats.  After he'd left I watered some of the pots. The winds have really joined them out.

Then there was a bit of misunderstood messaging between me and #2 before I headed into town and took them for dinner at the Whiski Rooms.  They'd been on their feet all day doing the tour of Edinburgh and although they then dropped into Whistlebinkies while I got the bus home they didn't last and were back not much after me.

I watched the rest of 'A French Affair' as the sky turned a beautiful pink. 

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