
By sas05

buffday Mk 2

alis birthday today.. ali also shares her birthday with our friend sara.. so huge birthdays all round,, spent alis birthday at the hervester for brekkie then off on a voyage of discovery down southsea way ..and to southsea castle..never actually been in there before ..loved it all the years of travelling down to southsea we still find something new ...twas a gawgeous day there ..twas a gawgeous birthday for ali ...
meanwhile in the real world .. and when i mean reall work related world .. ive been working on my new website for blitzpix ..very gratifying ...and to the job that actually pays the bills.. ive been covering a poorly stan the shuntaman whos returning to work ..soooooooo return to ...well return to more covering here and there and who knows what ..uggh..

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