
By Shutterup

Washday Blues

Got up bright and early to complete a bit of sorting and tidying before my lovely cleaner came at nine.. except she didn't... her daughter in not well so not her fault and now with guests this week I will have more chores to do myself. Husband had a dental checkup and I had decided to get a Sains shop done so headed off to do that. On mondays the shop is much quieter and generally it is well stocked. On the way out of the fuel station there was a boy racer coming round the corner fast towards the queue for the traffic lights to leave the supermarket.. I nipped out in front of him and he wound down his window and made aggrassive hand signals at me while jumping around in the drivers seat.. clearly very cross about something but as the light was red it made no difference to the speed to his destination. He sat behind me making me feel very nervous that he might get out of his car and come over to sort me out.. I had done nothing wrong.. he carried on driving attrociously and swerved across the road without signalling to turn down a road on the right causing oncoming cars to brake hard.. honestly what is it with young men and Testosterone??? I went on to my first automatic car wash in nearly 10 years!!  the was that used to cost 3.50 now £8 but the car looks like a new pin.  At the start I wasn't quite quick enough to close my window and the guy with the jet soap was got me!!  hilarious!!  I felt most refreshed! Home, unpacked the shopping £10/ltr Pimms my best buy today is awaiting the return of summer.. I am looking forward to both!
So washday monday.. I still try to keep to it and wash linen and towels on Mondays.. but today if I hung them out to dry they would get an extra rinse to may hold back on towel wash. 
Onwards.. week two Wimbledon

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