Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Worthy of Andy Goldsworthy??

Well, not hardly, but this quite beautiful new "manmade" big pile of driftwood on the shore of the island near the "public" barge landing made me think of him. It's above the tide line but I suspect it won't look like this for long...... (can see some of his work HERE)

Musings and hubby left midday to try to find the resident whales before getting back to Roche Harbor. ( I think it didn't happen.) We had such a good time on their boat last night at our dock. It was so nice of her to make dinner! And earlier we had some great chats about cameras and photos and art - she is always full of great suggestions and resources - and a lot of time on the beach on a lovely day with cameras. AND....they left me with her big fancy 100-400 Canon lens!!!! to play with til they come back through in August. It's too heavy for her (and for me!) and B doesn't have a camera it will fit anymore. He's got a little Nikon coolpix that takes the most amazing photos--check out Musings' eagle with it today -(I was still in bed reading when I heard these eagles early this morning and my first thot was I was sure Musings had her camera pointed at them!) I doubt that this lens can do as well, (didn' get anything I loved with it today...) but it will be interesting and fun to see what it does. As long as I don't have to carry it far! Gives one pause, doesn't it?.....

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