Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Finally caught up, well a least to yesterday...

I came across this old fence with a now defunct (I know because I touched it - that's what boys do!!!) electrical fence component. As I stood and took several shots trying to pick the proper depth of field, composition, etc., etc. a sparrow kept yelling at me in the distance. I decide to try and capture the sparrow as well, and I think in the end it was the rare Savannah Composition Sparrow. Its position helped me to achieve what I couldn't on my own!!

Oh ya, the title. I take lots of pics, download them, and then go off and do something else. It's easier to edits blips in the winter when there's little else to do... In the last two days I've updated June 25th to yesterday. I know there is no one that hangs on the edge of their seats waiting for the next blip from RE01, but I will try and be more diligent. I must admit that I recently unsubscribed from a member that hadn't posted sine Feb 7...

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