Choose Joy

By Energia


Have you read Egalia’s Daughters?
Do you remember the peho?

I wish that, years ago, when Samuel started spacing out, that I’d done an internet search on dog dementia and learned about supplements that could slow it down. I didn’t think to research it until it reached the point where he forgot his house training. Four walks a day and restricting water at night doesn’t solve the problem when the problem is that he simply does not remember. 

He’s wearing a peho today. 

Not really, but it is similar. He is wearing male dog diapers. He isn’t fighting it at all. It’s already worked, which is both sad and good. 

He went to a party tonight. I was his plus 1. Everyone was amazed at his energy. He is pretty freaking amazing for 17. 

Putin just signed a bill increasing taxes on the rich to fund the war. It will raise about $30 billion. Russia has also used its sovereign wealth fund and borrowed from state owned banks. 

Russia is having trouble replacing its aging airplanes because of sanctions so it developed the Sukhoi Superjet. One just crashed. Don’t ride them. 

The U.S.-supplied HIMARS has allowed Ukraine to destroy Russia's most advanced anti-aircraft missile systems. The US has supplied at least 39 HIMARS.

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