Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2024 Friday — Oh the Places We Will Go!

The photos in today’s collage are not in any specific order. They are, though, the places we visited and the things we viewed on our sort of routine field trip to Cambria on Friday afternoons.

Windmills, old houses on back streets, an antique auto garage closed for many years, cattle on a hill, the Cayucos city limit sign with our little town in the background, and the “Easy As Pie” sign on Linn’s Shop & Cafe.

I did neglect to get a photo of the Hearst State Beach pier at San Simeon (north of Cambria). The pier is currently closed due to damage that surely happened during the past winter storms.

And you won’t believe this, well maybe you will, I forgot to get a photo of my chocolate malt that Mr. Fun bought me (“to go”) at Linn’s Restaurant in Cambria.

We had left our house several hours earlier with my request that we stop at the Sea Shanty restaurant here in Cayucos to get me a chocolate malt, not a shake, but a malt. So I exited our house to start walking our two pups down the street toward the Shanty with the plan that Mr. Fun would follow momentarily in the car and give us a ride when Mitzi had decided she’d had enough walking. He would also phone the Shanty to order me a chocolate malt “to go” because I was sure I had seen that offered on their menu when I had been in there several weeks ago. When I hopped in the car a few minutes later he announced that Sea Shanty does not make chocolate malts, not even chocolate shakes. So I decided not to whine and cry and did my best performance of behaving like a mature adult, but I haven’t eaten much lately; I’ve got no appetite and a chocolate malt just sounded like the best way to kick-start my appetite. So we stopped in Harmony (Population 18) to ask their ice cream dairy truck person if they offered chocolate malts. “Nope” all the sell are ice cream cones; we continued that hunt and seek event all afternoon. Finally at 4:00 p.m. as we were about to leave Cambria to return to Cayucos, we stopped at Linn’s Restaurant. He went inside and was gone a long time and finally returned empty handed. I was ready to earn an Oscar for my performance of acting like an adult when the bratty child in me was raging. I looked at him and said, “No malt, right?” He smiled and said he just ordered one for me and it would be ready in 10 minutes. A mini-celebration broke out right there in the parking lot . . . laughing and giggling and whooping and hollering . . . confetti in the air. Finally my craving was satisfied. You can’t even begin to imagine how fabulous that chocolate malt tasted. Then, even ed n though I was absolutely not hungry for dinner, when we arrived home I cooked him a superb chicken dinner.

Good night from
California’s Central Coast
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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