
By Ridgeback13


The day started a bit equivocal but developed into a lovely warm sunny one for a change…gorgeous!
We took A’s car in for a service this morning first thing then I finished some finance stuff whilst A cleaned up and put washing on, then after coffee we did some gardening…A cutting the grass and planting some plants that have been waiting to go in whilst I did deadheading and weeding.
After a bit of lunch we played with Paisley (who doesn’t seem to have suffered any long term effects of the bite yesterday) then got changed for the evening and drove into Edinburgh. Dropped A off to join friends from work for an afternoon of daft games, pizza and drinks on the Meadows (thank goodness the weather was ok!) whilst I collected S from the station.
We parked up then sat outside at 56 North with some drinks for a while in the sun….lovely! Walked over to Usher Hall for a NYOS concert via a quick tour of EFI. The huge orchestra were great….played a newly commissioned dreamy piece by Tarrodi, then Greig dances then Stravinsky, with plenty of opportunity for each section to have their spotlight to shine, even the triangle!
Lots of prolonged applause, then collected A and home, very tired!

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