
By fennerpearson

The Irish Pub

I'm not sure when the phenomenon of the Irish Pub started, but it has been an effective bit of soft imperialism; you see them in cities all over Europe, sometimes in clusters of two or three, and we even came across one in Hong Kong.

They are generally themed and, of course, serve Guinness, but I don't ever recall seeing one that had the amount of wood that one sees in many Dublin pubs, and certainly in my favourite ones. 

We started today's drinking with a walk out to The Gravedigger, which is a partitioned by wooden panelling to create a number of booths, but the pub in today's Blip is a better example of the type. If I hadn't been so busy enjoying myself, I might have made a note of its name!

For our evening session, we were joined by Ash's friend, Lolo, who plays keyboards for the only tribute band I like, the wonderfully named Joanne Joanne. She's based in Dublin, so as well as being excellent company, she was able to give us a small guided tour, including a Lidl that doubles up as an architectural museum for the site that it's built on!

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