The second half of life..

By twigs

Hoar Frost Day 3

Another foggy morning and plenty of frost around.   Woohoo.....another day of fun.  Unfortunately, the sub-zero temperatures have also got to Gerty van's waterworks and frozen things up.  Luckily I've been turning the pump off at night and draining the  pipes so hopefully no damage in that quarter.   It did mean that I had to go and buy some water though......back to basics......boiling water on the stove top for washing and washing-up. 

After I'd bought some water (the supermarket shelves had been stripped of the 10 litres containers......I think other vanners must have had the same issue) I headed out of town taking my time to enjoy some town scenes as well as some rural scenes.  I spent most of the day at Loch Cameron hoping the fog would lift and give me a few patches of blue, but it didn't.  Took a drive via the canal route to almost Lake Wardell.........still thick, heavy fog, then out to Omarama in the other direction where the last 5 or 6 kms were significantly lighter in the fog department.  It really is quite a small area where the hoar frost is centred.  On my return MI dropped in at the Kelland Ponds again.......looking even more spectacular but still the fog means no blue skies/water.  All good though because by late afternoon the frost still hadn't shifted so looks like it may well still be here doing it's thing again tomorrow.  With each day that passes the frost grows thicker and heavier - see extras.......same tree, day (one), (two) three plus a couple more.

And on a totally different vein........great win by the All Blacks this evening over a very determined England.  Possibly the best match I have watched in a while......a real rugged tussle.  

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