
By Hillyblips

Ups and Downs

It's been a day of ups and downs.

Hubs and I have worked our socks off in the garden and I have to say the results were pretty good.

The downs:

As finishing up on our hours worth of  labours I opted to go  for no good reason by the way of the pond to deliver the tools to the tool shed.

Thank goodness I did that route. I saw Poppy in the pond, on her last legs hanging on to the edge, paddling done with and just hanging on. I've no idea how long she had been there. She is nearly 17 and fell in it once as a puppy so that was enough  for her. Her back legs are dire and I think she may have slipped or her legs given way.

I dropped everything fished her out. She was shaking! I was too frankly. Calling for Hubs to get towels she was dried off, plus hair dryer and just wanted to walk around in a dazed state. Forget the treats! She is asleep now as I type this.

We had been doing the trees in the front garden today. Many trailers full of rubbish had to be finally moved and I am shot. It is even painful now to sit here and type but I'm sure I'll get over it! 

Millie too gave us a scare whilst we were working. One minute she was with us and the next she wasn't till we quickly discovered she had gone through the fence - NOT  onto the road but onto the gate entry to the paddock. Lucky really that I could see where she had gone through - (a tiny hole)  later on and it has now been blocked up. My sprint to the gate and down the road though was slightly heart thumping but she was oblivious and safe. We will never manage to secure all our boundaries with the land we have so training and a tracker (which she has on her collar) will be paramount. 

The magpie shot here is because and I blame totally the person who tooted his horn on the road. The kestrel had just rocked up and I'd been waiting for ages for the moment in my hide.. Then I heard a car horn on the lane. Now with the scenarios we had had, I was thinking firstly, 'Where are the dogs?' and you can probably guess the rest so I shot out of my hide and both dogs were where I'd left them but you know - magpies aren't all bad! Well yes they are. but ....

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