
By Gazzo

Future Energy

We have quite a lot of wind farms in the surrounding area, personally I quite like the look on farmland, but would draw the line if they appeared in beauty spots like the Peak District or the Lake District.
Today all was still and quiet - no wind = no movement
But here's a thought if in the future we rely on these for our power needs - just how many would we need, I think it would be like a colony of ants across the countryside - but more importantly it's virtually impossible to store electricity to meet the demands of a modern industrialized country and so any generation system needs to be able to cope with demand. Sadly all the unfashionable methods can do this (Coal, Gas, Nuclear) whereas the greener methods can't - wave power being the exception, we can rely on the waves to flow 24 hours a day.
I have no answers or opinion - but today's blip merely notice the complete peace in the countryside due to no wind.

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