
By bivbov

A long day!

I had a good sleep, for me! I woke at 5am. It has felt like a very long day (currently not quite 4.30pm)

I forced myself out for a run this morning - it’s important to interrupt the inertia!

Noo had plans so I tried to fit around those. (He is roaming streets with his posse in rural East Sussex) My lawnmower delivery worked out well - I was home alone and at a loose end. I have built the mower and used it! (I lived on my own from the age of 15 in a past life - I am quite capable!)’

Meantime, I cooked a Thai Butternut Squash dish for dinner. After my birthday on Tuesday, I have vowed never to cook with butternut squash again; peeling it is too hard on my hands!!

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