Paint it Black

By PaintItBlack

I want to retire

A dark, rainy afternoon in Glasgow, a typical Scottish summer's day. Taking refuge in a Wetherspoon's, joining the massed throng in their choice of cheap-as fish n' chips, available 12-5 Monday to Thursday. This is what I'll do when I'm a pensioner. I'd just got my mug of tea that's chucked in for your £2.99 or whatever, when the fire alarm went off, cue shoppers, tourists and everyday alcoholics exiting to George Square, defensively clutching their drinks. Fortunately I'd necked my pint as the alarm was going, but my tea was far too hot, so that came with me. Alas, it got left on a bench in Queen's Street as we bolted for the train, but hopefully it went to a good home.

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