
By IainatCreel

Marwick Head

Up at Marwick Head again - a bit of a sad sight - an unsurprisingly low number of sea birds. Not seabird city - more like a quiet precinct. Met in with 'stride' of ramblers on an organised holiday. Lovely morning but the day gradually clouded over.

Met in with Myrtle in Stromness later - hadn't seen her for nine weeks (see Blips passim) and she was on her way to Julia's for a coffee before heading home up the Brae to Grieveship. We then called in past Kathleen and Dougal who are celebrating their Ruby Wedding. Kathleen caught Dougal in a weak moment (in a Thurso bar) - he was a child bride.

On arrival at home went up on the roof of the sheep's' hoose to cement the ridge - made a start at least.

For those of you in Samarkand who are still reading you'll be relived to hear that the planned bonfire didn't go ahead as the wind has fairly risen. Must try and fit in the bonfire tomorrow as we are expecting the VAT man soon.

CMC (Current Mrs Creel) has just informed me I have a busy day tomorrow.

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