Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


If you look you will see Luna has her tongue poking out.

It's hot, but I did manage to wake up early enough to take Ferd for a walk.

That was eventful.

He saw coots, jumped in the canal after said coots. I called him back, but he couldn't get out as the bank was too high, I have told him time and time again that he can't swim in that stretch. I suggested we find a lower bit and started to walk off.

Ferd cried.

So I had two choices hope the bank was stable and try and reach him, strip off go in and get him.

Thankfully option one worked, I was able to grab his harness. He was just out of my reach, but it was like he knew what I was trying to do so with a bit of team effort we got there in the end.

He came out black and smelly but it's ok because he found a nice big pile of horse poo to roll in to freshen up.

My car came back from the garage and was a whole £2 cheaper than quoted, I went mad and brought a solero to celebrate, they also cleaned and hoovered it (about two years of Ferdinand fur gone) :)

Rest of the day has been getting ready for market tomorrow, and BBQ.

It's gonna be hot tomorrow.

Oh and still no wiiercise but I did jog. Yes JOG. That's faster than walking but not running. Ok so I was sensible and did a couple of minutes then walk then a couple minutes more and it did kinda get messed up with Ferds little dip. But me jogging. I do also have to confess that it was a little spur of the moment and I was wearing fit flops so hardly appropriate foot wear which is another reason for not doing too much of the actual jogging bit, but I felt like I could have done more. I think I might like to do a bit more and see how it goes but I don't have any trainers :/ I do have an old pair of plimsolls I am guessing they will be ok!?

I do want to get back to the wiiercise but I fear I will have to wait for the heat to bugger off as I am not sleeping too well and need to keep what little energy I have for boring stuff like desk job - boo

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