
By dogwithnobrain

Gotta gotta Be Down

I wanted a sunset shot tonight, so I dragged himself outside with me and we went to the beach. 

Job done and dusted in two minutes.    

We took a wee drive to the town to see if The Open was wakening up our wee sleepy seaside town.    I have screeds of photos of empty streets and the traffic cones... see my extras.  

It looked for all the world that it was all still sleepy. 

Templehill very quiet.   No movement outside Anchorage.  No Movement outside 47.  

We turned the corner and holy moly.   Lido had set up another row of outside seat outside their restaurant.  There were people standing in front of them, there were people standing outside the 24-7 and the fishmongers across the road.  Loads of people outside Fox = and A big pink curtain up over the front! 

Then I remembered.  The Fox was closed for a Private Event.  Sky Sports seem to have taken it over,   People weren't drinking in the streets - they were waiting... waiting for celebrities. to appear.  

I don't know any golfers.   Golf was my Dad's thing.... Seve, Jack, Tony. 

No point in hanging around.  I woulnd't know them if they bit me bum. 

Enjoy the sunset.   *(its on the BBC weather video for BBC Scotland) 

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