
By stujphoto

Belhaven Village

Today was a good example, weather-wise, of lighting which is a photographer's nightmare. Fierce unrelenting sunshine without a cloud in the sky, casting a bleaching light with heavy shadows on everything. Normally I might have taken a brief run into the countryside looking for a blip after my morning swim but seeing the conditions I knew it would not be worthwhile. So I left my picture taking unti about 6.00pm. It was still really bright but fortunately the temperature was beginning to subside.

I tried taking a blip of the swan family on Seafield Pool but to little avail. There is only one cygnet left and he is at the stage where he wants to go exploring on his own so trying to compose a family group is pretty hopeless. Indeed one or two of my shots are examples of how not to take a swan family blip - all facing away from each other, one of the parents with her head under water and the other one turning away.

Luckily as a backup I had taken a couple of shots across the bay towards the village of Belhaven. These houses are right on the edge of Belhaven on the road that leads down to the neach and the bridge to nowhere. The tide was right up to the sea wall but the sea was so calm that there were good reflections. One of the houses is quite imposing and looks a bit like a chapel and this adds character to the scene.

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