
By schorschi

Luis pre-glowing sun lounger

for Steffi, perhaps even Oliver after he has cut the grass, mucked out the horses, cleaned the windows etc. Weather is sorted and pool is around 28°C.

8:00am to specialist, a much happier teddy but still issuing warnings. Home to mind the dogs while Angie had her breathing therapy session followed by the physiotherapy session. Both of us seem to be back on our feet at last. I managed to occupy myself all day with making a base AND an inner lid for a third full size beehive. MrB had given the order to make the base and I managed that quite quickly when it occured to me we neeed a lid which is a bit more complicated as it has to be insulated for the winter. Not proud of the result but I think it will do for this year. Have to wait for MrB's judgement.

Jenny from the nursing service popped by with a carrier bag full of "Astronaut" drinks. I had mentioned on the phone to her boss, Birgit, that the specialist said I needed to put on weight. Result: without asking, she simply went to the chemists, bought the stuff and had it delivered. Typical Birgit - thank you so much.

If you have noticed a slight optimistic tone, you are right. I hope all Blipers have a great weekend, I understand the UK will be even better than here and we are set to have a good one. Enjoy your B-B-Q's !

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