Crafty girl.

Finally arrived home at the Weegie house about 3.30 am (5.30 am Turkish time). Bed never felt so good. Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Tickles for looking after the Weegie bus and filling the boot with bread and milk and nice things for the girls to eat on the M8 home!

Glorious day - 27 degrees. Not too shabby.

Girls were happy to be back with their friends and showing off their Turkish tans! Trip to the hairdresser for me..

Hairdresser : " The sun has fairly stripped the colour out your hair "
Me (pointing the telltale grey stripe on my head): " Yes, and my beaver stripe is back"

(strange looks all round)

Me: " oops...Badger stripe...! wrong end!"

There was a young man in the shop and he didn't know which may to look ! (We always have fun at the hairdresser when there's a man in !!)

Mr S was so tired after cutting the grass and unpacking he needed a long nap after dinner....either that or he really enjoyed the 47 proof Bombay Sapphire duty free he sampled when he was cooking!

Looking forward to catching up on all your journals.

Here's No 3 - she loves craft magazines !

P.s. Here's one of my new Blip recruits!

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