Penguin Droppings

By gen2

The Detumescence Stage

This impudent phallus has passed its peak.  The flies have sucked all the stinky gleba off and the slugs and millipedes have bitten into the shaft.  The empty 'egg'shell from which it arose, is on the right.

There were half a dozen more 'eggs' pushing up through the ground but I don't know how quickly they develop.  I have got a lot on for the next couple of days so not sure I can get back before Friday to check.  That is assuming I can find the right spot amongst all those similar looking trees.  I'll do my best.

Stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus

I went back to the same forest today because yesterday I dropped the spare battery for my camera.  Needless to say, I didn't find it  :-((

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