Last Rhythm Time of the term
We went to the last Rhythm Time of the term today. Eva got a certificate at the end with a little gold star for her chart and we took it in turns clapping all the other little babies. Jenny came with Eva and we sang Eva Happy Birthday as she had been 1 on Sunday, and Lisa came with James as a one off.
We walked over to Tescos after to get sandwiches and a few bits, then walked back over to the park with the picnic blanket and had our lunch and a good old chin wag in the sunshine. The weather this week has been fabulous!
I took Eva round to Nanny and Grandad's house after, where she showed off her new rolling over skills. She looks like she's been doing it for weeks she does it that easily now. My little girl is growing up too fast :-(
We had a very unsettled evening tonight. Mike had hockey early, so I gave Eva her bath and got her ready for bed. Omg she absolutely LOVES her baths! She kicks her little legs sooo much and splashed the water everywhere! If any water goes in her eyes, she just kinds of holds her breath for a few seconds but she doesn't cry.
She was so tired come bedtime that she was falling asleep as I fed her and tried to wind her. This resulted in me running up the stairs at least 10 times trying to settle her. I tried everything but nothing would work. Typically, as soon as Mike got back and went up to her, she did finally do some burps. I got her off Mike then and rocked her in my arms with her num nums until she finally went to sleep around 10 pm. Naughty windy pops :-(
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