Just 4 record.
I think I've probably mentioned it before but, a year or three ago I/we decided to only "Strim" the back Grass as an annual event. Shortly thereafter came the idea of a Flower Meadow.
Funny thing is - Front Grass ("Lawn" is a bit over posh really) is more of a flower Meadow than the back; Score to date; apart from grass?
White Clover, Selfheal, Ragwort, Cat's Ear (Which I've never. been able to name), I have, in past years, seen a tiny Rush-type plant not seen this y ear and never ID-ed.
"Hypochaeris radicata – also known as catsear, flatweed, cat's-ear, hairy cat's ear, or false dandelion – is a perennial, low-lying edible herb often found in lawns. The plant is native to Europe, but has also been introduced to the Americas, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, where it can be an invasive weed. "
Heck E. Thump. I wonder if you could, still, legally, forage enough to survive? (:¬O) Just seen this:-
"Every part of the catsear plant is edible including the flower heads, though the basal rosette of leaves and roots are typically the most sought after for harvest. While the hairy leaves possess a mild flavour, these edible plants can be enjoyed raw in salads, steamed, or incorporated into stir-fries. While older leaves may become tough and fibrous, younger ones are tender and ideal for consumption. Unlike dandelion leaves, catsear leaves are seldom bitter. The root can be roasted and ground to form a coffee substitute." So can Dandelions.
Left - Front taking first Catsear from Front
Right - Planting first Catsear in Back. I kinda suspect it'll not be the last though.
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