And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Rose of Claire....

My granddad used to sing that song to me all the time it made me feel better and in his lovely south Irish accent was beautiful to hear, and of course my brother Dan used to get Danny boy sung to him. Bridie my big sister used to get any other Irish song sung to her :) cant beat memories :)

This stunning rose is outside are lounge window what a delight to see and smell I may add :)

I have a busy day tomorrow, got jan and Winnie for an hours walk at 8am then got my mums husband daughter Grace coming at 9am to bake a cake and spend some time together so that should be nice I will see if she will let me blip her, she is only 18 a very shy quiet girl who goes to church, she doesn't like swearing on violent films or video games I think she is sadly a dying breed, I remember when I was like her, think thats why we get on so well, though this will be the first time we have spent time just the two of us, wish me luck. Love you all sleep tight.

love c x x x

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